These documents and forms are intended for the use of our students and community partners. For help reading or completing any of them, please contact Rebecca Perini at rperini@wlu.edu.
Directed Teaching Term: Materials
- Directed Teaching Handbook
- Triad Meeting Checklist (DT10)
- Triad Meeting Checklist (DT10) pdf
- Directed Teaching Checklist 12 weeks
- Directed Teaching Checklist 14 weeks
- Lesson Plan Template
- Cumulative Assessment Portfolio (CAP) & TWS w Rubrics
Directed Teaching: Forms to Submit
- Observation Feedback Form
- Observation Feedback Form pdf
- Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL)
- Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL) pdf
- Directed Teaching Evaluation Form (mid and final)
- Directed Teaching Evaluation Form pdf
- Record of Directed Teaching Hours-12 Week Placement
- Record of Directed Teaching Hours-14 Week Placement
- Evaluation of Cooperating Teacher by Teacher Candidate
- Evaluation of University Supervisor by Cooperating Teacher or Teacher Candidate
- Recommendation of Final Grade
- Performance Improvement Plan
- DT Absence Report Form
- Practicum Placement Request W&L (P1)
- Practicum Placement Request SVU (P1)
- Practicum Contract (P2)
- Practicum Clock Hours (P3)
- Practicum Evaluation (P4)
- Practicum Evaluation-Methods (P4-M)
- Practicum Handbook
- Interactions with Minors Guidelines pdf required reading
- Program Handbook pdf
- Exchange Application (A3) SVU
- Exchange Application (A3) W&L
- Pathway to Licensure Checklist
- Schedule of required tests
Directed Teaching and Licensure Applications